About US 206-664-1945
iEstating FAST-CASH SERVICE Estate Sales is a 50/50% 501(c)(3) nonprofit fundraiser, 50% goes to you, and 50% goes to Veteran's SuicideBusters.com earning you a tax deduction saving Veteran's.

Jesus said “If you want to be perfect, sell your possessions and give to the poor, you will have treasure in Heaven. Then follow me.” Matt 19:21

GodsYouTube.com Channel
How much of the Bible is Fake News?
Fly to you from Heaven
to fulfill your prayer!
GodsDoves.com nonprofit
Corporate, Spokane, WA 99205
White Doves Release for Weddings,
Anniversaries, 2nd Baptism, Memorials, Funerals, Special Occasions 206-664-1945
Benefit Veteran's
charity SuicideBusters.com
Trust only GodsDoves to
fly safe, others may not.
Honoring those who gave their livfe defending us..
WhiteDovesRelease.com GodsDoves, is headquartered in Spokane Inland Empire, flying from Seattle, King County, WA, to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and with advance notice will travel anywhere inside the continental USA, by appointment. 206-664-1945 (Text of Call)

Gift Certificates
Want to give the gift of a WhiteDovesRelease.com for whom you love? At GodsDoves we will be happy to prepare a gift certificate for the appropriate GodsDoves Release package. Please contact GodsDoves 206-664-1945 for more information on our Gift Certificate program.

White Doves Release, "Gods Doves" perform both indoors and outdoors, wherever your event is located. GodsDoves will fly to you anywhere within the Continental US. Trust only GodsDoves to fly safe, others may not.

White Doves Release service has been established since ancient times, as a premier source for GodsDoves professional ceremonial original White Doves Release for all Godly events.

Our spectacular full-service offers both indoor and out-door ceremonial WhiteDoveRelease
.com are conducted with professionalism, care, and attention to every detail.

GodsDoves releases, may be handled either by our professional service providers, or by you self releasing "Rent-A-Dove
.com" providing a more private ceremony for your event

GodsDoves are trained to ensure the GodsDoves are properly trained to fly home safely after they have been released at your event. You can be confident that after GodsDoves are released they return to their home loft and nest safely, where care and food is available by a professional Dove trainer.

You should never use pet-store birds for a dove release. Pet store doves are not trained to return to any home, and cannot survive when released to fly in the outdoors. Please do not attempt to do a white doves release using mail-order or pet store doves.
About US
Is the Bible true or fake news?
Indoor & Outdoor
Did you see the Holy Spirit in the bodily form as a Dove? Paul Baptized Christians twice! (Acts 19:6)
Receive NOW! Gods Doves everywhere USA
GodsDoves.com are the real thing!
About US 206-664-1945 (Call or Text)
*WeBaptize.com research manual
*Special Event Doves
*Wedding Bell Doves
*Mourning Doves
*Military Doves
*Funeral Dove
*Mobile Doves
*Memorial Dove
*GodsDovesRace.com (win prizes!)

Now serving all USA
Mobile Dove Release

From NYC to LA to Miami to Seattle
206-664-1945 Short notice okay!
We live by every word of God!
(Matt 4:4) ApostleMary.com 501(c)(3) nonprofit
John Baptist is back!
John Baptist is back!
WhiteDovesRelease.com GodsDoves GodsYouTube- iEstating- GreenNewRecyclingDeal 100%Recycling
GodsBaptism- 2ndBaptism
.com SuicideBusters ApostleMary.com IRS TAX CREDIT CONTACT- About-US
OnlineBaptizing BibleEND JohnBaptist
.net FuneralPreacher GodsHolySeal LearnReadGreek TrumpinBible
John Baptist is back!
BaptizingHolySpirit.com 206-664-1945