Special Ops 1-2-3
Our challenge is to locate each suicide risk before not after.

#1. Purchase all Vital Statistics Vet suicide Death Certificates, (to determine current daily suicide count).
#2. Locate all Vets over age 50, in one VA District, Spokane Inland Empire Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center (about 133,400 Vets). Ask each Veteran to write their afterLife plan.
#3. After 180 days, prove the results, What is the 'Death Certificate' count? Does an afterlife plan stop Vets over age 50 suicide?

I could have stopped it,
but no one knew me to call me!

SHARE Veteran's SuicideBusters.com
Chain Letter with 3-friends, in 14 days everyone will know me to call me!

If you don't SHARE
Bad things will happen, Veteran's will choose suicide everday until you do!

VanGogh SUICIDE got wrong help?
He wrote,
"we must not count on Dr. Gachet at all. First of all, he is sicker
than I am."

Call NOW!
YOUR after life plan,
you don't know when you're going.

Veteran's receive free cemetery plot.
But Funeral Home "body prep" is
not free. Veteran's need at the least plan Funeral Home choice.

Veteran's are a "captured audience"
This is both an advantage and benefit that guarantees we may easily locate each and every Veteran, to communicate and require each Veteran to pre-plan their afterlife plan.

Maj. Gen. John Rossi,
didn't plan a Will.
An official not authorized to speak said, "it appears Rossi was overwhelmed by his responsibilities." General Rossi, didn't plan even a note, he left no Will, nor afterlife plan. He was confronted with other VA active duty suicides under his command, they didn't plan any "Afterlife Plan" or last testament will, either.

SuicideBusters need to speak upfront in-person with every person addressing their afterlife plan, planning how it will affect their family, friends, and faith. Then that person will choose to live to keep their afterlife plan, because they made their afterlife plan to keep it!

Planning your afterlife plan covers many challenges, like snow flakes no two are alike, i.e. when you're Jewish, Muslim, Christian, agnostic, or non-religious, will all have different afterlife choices.

Everyone is a different story. Your afterlife plan must be a good fit for you, it needs to be written especially to fit you, for you to trust and depend on to want to live and keep with all your heart, soul, and mind the rest of your life.

If you are religious, then your faith requires rules how to be buried.

If agnostic, your Neighbor, Mother, sibling, etc., etc., will certainly want in the least to receive your Last Will & Testament explaining who to call to drive you to which funeral home. It is the law everyone is required to have a funeral home, either you choose now, or you force your family to both choose and pay for you after your passing. You need to pick your Funeral Home, and plan now your property estate dispersion, etc..

NOTE: 67% Americans do not leave a Last Will & Testament.

All ages can make a Last Will & Testament, you can write changes at anytime, you can even let people know in advance who is, and who's not included in your Last Will & Testament.

Veteran's are trained to be resilient, and will rarely ask for help. We need to reach out each Veteran now, resilience must include afterlife plan, to help build suicide prevention behavioral rules.

Veteran & wife double SUICIDE.
2016, Sgt. Dale Belieu and his wife, chose suicide, leaving no Last Will & Testament, both sides of the family became unfriendly with each other, they argued over burial and assets, i.e. his wife's ashes were stolen, and still not placed (interred) to this day.

Military is readiness not suicide.

Military is a team working together to engage both the enemy and each other's lives, not suicide. SuicideBusters creates a military where seeking help and assistance is the norm. Everyone including a soldier must feel comfortable discussing suicide mental wellness .

1-800-Suicide Help lines, need to immediately refer all suicidal cases to SuicideBusters
.com for follow-up planning afterlife plans.

Problem is, we can't interview the suicide after the suicide. We can't bring the suicide back from the dead. All we can do is interview the remaining family.

What's your afterlife plan?
Funeral Home planning is not a priority for Americans
78.6% Do not preplan death
-66% over 75 didn't plan, they died
-WA State 4 pass each day
-73% under 65 don't plan
-55% don't leave a Will
-4% commit suicide

If 50% suicides got help prior to the suicide, then 100% got the wrong help. Yes/No?

First call us!
"Red Carpet Service"
Then you can say, "you did everything possible".

National Funeral Directors Association’s report:
62.5% believe planning a Funeral Home is important, but prepaying is too costly.
21.4% pay & plan before death.
20.1% do not consider to plan

1-2-3 Problem is 82.5% family members pay & plan for you after your death, is money loved ones don't have.
After death, courts ORDER probate to decide for you from your assets, family members hate this, pits family against each other.
2) All cost is cash paid upfront.
3) No payment plan, no 3-5 years to pay.
4) Less expensive today, 3% annual inflation funeral services double 15 years from now, i.e. today cremation average $1500, 20% ($300) down, $20 a month. Later after your death is $10,000 cash upfront.

Death is imminent
Everybody dies
What do you plan to do?
1. Plan your will
2. If you die at home, call 911
3. Police Coroner signs-off Death Certificate
4. Body is transported to Funeral Home
5. Body is prepared
6. Funeral Home signs Death Certificate
7. Funeral Home transports deceased
8. Cemetery plot provides chairs and tent.

Skip 2 & 3, if you pass-away at hospital,
in-home hospice care, or military assigment, because they sign-off.

Vets and
all their spouse's, receive free tombstone for any cemetery.

Vets and spouse's may receive free burial plot in a Veteran National Cemetery.

Veteran's & spouse's do not get free casket, or free transportation from place of death to the funeral home, or free preparing your body, or free transportation to the National Verteran's Cemetery.

Today's cheapest burial plan is $1900, picked up, cremated, and delivered to National Veteran's Cemetery. If you want a Biblical casket or anything fancier, the cost goes up. Plan now
an easy payment plan, later is all cash upfront, no matter who pays for you.

If no one picks up Veteran deceased.
County medical examiner takes you, tax payer pays for only "cremation at funeral home", then tax payer pays delivering you to National Veteran's Cemetery. And VA Adminisration buries your urn.

"Organ Donor" or "Body Donation." both require you to be first pre-accepted, and both only approve you after you're deceased (dead), and either may reject you, (not accept you). Both suggest you should have a "Plan B Funeral Home" in the case you're not accepted by either, after your death.

Suicide Prevention
Myth: "If a person is determined to kill themselves, nothing is going to stop them". Fact: The suicide impulse to end it all, does not last forever. They only want their pain to stop. Even with the utmost severely depressed feelings wanting death, wavering between wanting to live or wanting to die. Suicidal people do not want death.

Myth: "Talking about suicide gives someone the idea to commit suicide."
Fact: You don't give a person suicidal ideas by talking about suicide. Discussing suicide plan openly is the first most helpful thing you can do to prevent suicide.

Be yourself, let the suicidal person know you care, that they are not alone. The right words are often unimportant. If you are concerned, your voice and manner will show it.

Listen, let the person unload despair, vent anger. No matter how negative the conversation seems, the fact it is taking place is a huge positive sign.

Be sympathetic, non-judgmental, patient, calm, accepting. Your friend or family member is doing the right thing by talking about their feelings.

Offer hope. Reassure the person that help is available and suicidal feelings are temporary. Let the person know their life is important to you.

Take the person seriously. If the person says things like, "I'm so depressed, I can't go on," ask the question: "Are you having thoughts of suicide?" You are not putting ideas in their head; you are showing you are concerned, that you take them seriously, and that it's OK for them to share their pain with you.

1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Evaluating Suicide Risk:
1) Do you have a suicide plan? (PLAN)
2) Do you have what you need to carry out your plan (pills, gun, etc.)? (MEANS)
3) Do you know when you would do it? (TIME SET)
4) Do you intend to take your own life? (INTENTION)
5) Do you feel hopelessly isolated? (INTENT)
6) Do you have serious losses, death close loved one, down sizing career failure? (GOAL)
7) Do you feel God wants you to commit suicde for God's cause, that you will be special in Heaven?

1-2-3-4-5 Level of Risk:
1) Low
- Some suicidal thoughts. No suicide plan. Says he or she won't attempt suicide. Is confused if suicide could remedy the problems.
2) Moderate - Vague suicidal plan that isn't very lethal. Says he or she won't attempt suicide, but agrees suicide solves the problems.
3) Moderate High - Informed highly lethal, has a suicidal plan. Says he or she won't attempt suicide, but agrees suicide solves the problem.
4) High - Has specific suicidal plan that is highly lethal. Says he or she won't attempt suicide, agrees suicide solves the problem.
5) Severe Specific reasoning why,
informed plan that is highly lethal, agrees suicide will resolve their problem.
6) High Severe - Suicidal thoughts. Informed plan that is highly lethal. Says he/she will commit suicide, agrees suicide will resolve their problem.

If a suicide attempt seems imminent
Do not, under any circumstances, leave a suicidal person alone.
Call NOW! SuicideBusters
stops suicide behavorial
Psychologist research groups prove it!

"Dr. Motto approach" google it!
We're overlooking it
Cradle to Grave to afterlife.
Everyone has one life.to save.

John Baptist is back.com !!
by: JohnBaptist.net iSealOnline.com
BibleEND.com Jesus said: "And then the END will come."
GodsHoly.com Heaven's written list in a Christian scroll...
GodsDoves.com If Dove remains, you're adopted by God!
iSealOnline.com 2ndBaptism.com online 206-664-1945
TrumpinBible.com If you wish Jesus to return VOTE Trump!
GodsBaptism.com God's Baptismal Dove remains upon you!
DONATETithe.com 100% goes to God! Don't muzzle God's ox.
ProphecyTeller.com Revelation revealed and explained in detail.
SuicideBusters.com guarantees to STOP suicide behavioral now!
HistoryPreacher.com Hear how it really was way way back then.
com We complete it all, remember everyone.
GodsFortuneTeller.com Your future explained by God's stars.
WhiteDovesRelease.com GodsDoves fly for all ocassions!
GodsAstrologyReader.com Wise men followed God's star.

DONATETithe.com 100% goes to God!
not muzzle the messenger, google it!
Call your Banker to download Zelle

You may also DONATETithe.com tangible property, real estate, real property, houses, cars, boats, jewelry, precious metals, art, estates, etc, we pay all closing costs. Please telephone ApostleMary.com 206-664-1945 for more information

Special Ops
Plan before SUICIDE, not after the emergency.

Become a SuicideBuster
volunteer text 206-664-1945
Wherever you live, SHARE Veteran's SuicideBusters
STOP Veteran's suicides everyday.

Volunteering takes very little time, and you can say you did everything possible to stop Veteran's Suicide, otherwise what did you do to stop Veteran's Suicides happening everyday as you read this.

We need an army of SuicideBusters available to call on potential suicide risk in your community. Calling on a "welfare check." Your call is anonymous, Pastor John visits and performs a "welfare check," your volunteering can stop one suicide! Amen

Religious Burials are all time low
18.9% choose religious burial. 82.1% Americans burial plans do not identify with a religion. Families are choosing specially trained officiants to conduct burial ceremonies.

Are you religious?
Native American?

Do you believe Jesus was Resurrected?
King David was resurrected. (Jer 30:7-9)

Everyone is resurrected (1 Cor. 15:39–42), but not all at the same time (1 Cor. 15:22–23).

Resurrection 1-2-3 PROOF!
1) Why didn't Apostles camp at Jesus' tomb for the first Resurrection? Because they believed there is resurrection? They hid 3 days, afraid being they were the next to be killed. (John 20:19)

2) Jewish Pharisees did not want anyone to say Jesus is resurrected, proves Pharisees believed in resurrection, because Pharisees asked Pilot to seal and guard Jesus' tomb so no one might say Jesus was resurrected. (Matt 27:65)

3) Resurrection Proof! Many Jews were converting to Jesus. Proves if Jesus was not resurrected, then it would stop the Jewish faith leaving the Jewish faith.

Finding no Jesus body in the tomb proves resurrection. Yes/No?

Mary Magdalene, didn't expect a resurrection. She was the first seeing the empty tomb, Mary said, "they" took Jesus' body, because Jesus' body is gone, and they (Judaism) believe in resurrection, so they took Jesus to prove He was not resurrected. (John 20:2)

There was a violent earthquake, so bad it rolled the large stone door away. Bad earthquakes always strike terror, including those soldiers, because they were there standing on very shaky ground. (Mat 28:2) Pharisees paid Pilot to order the Soldiers guarding to not say anything. Why? Because they believed in the resurrection.

"They" (Pharisees) expected to show Jesus dead body after that Sabbath, to prove Jesus is not resurrected, and Jesus is fake news, because they believed in resurrection.

Jesus' body was gone they took Him from the tomb, Mary Magdalene said. Proves Mary didn't expect Jesus would be ressurected. (John 20:2).

If you do not believe the Jesus story,
Like Mary, and the 12 Apostles didn't believe in the beginning either, but after the ressurection they testified Jesus ressurection is a true story.

Death started with Adam & Eve, God said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. (Gen 3:3)

600 BC Jesus death ressurection promised
Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it...
But they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them. (Jer 30:7&9)

I can sense why Mary didn't expect Jesus ressurection, this verse is more than confusing to understand before Jesus' ressurection.

Daniel 12:2, “Many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, others to reproaches, to everlasting abhorrence”. This is the last resurrection in Revelation.

STOP Veteran's Suicide GUARANTEE
100% Jewish Veteran's who wrote their Last Will and Testament don't choose Suicide. PROVES Last Will and Testament can STOP SUICIDE

Islamic & Judaism Law
require their Last Will & Testament
"It is the duty of a Muslim who has anything to bequest not to let two nights pass without writing a Will about it." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

"A man may do good deeds for seventy years but if he acts unjustly when he leaves his last testament, the wickedness of his deed will be sealed upon him, and he will enter the Fire. If, (on the other hand) a man acts wickedly for seventy years but is just in his Last Will and Testament, the goodness of his deed will be sealed upon him, and he will enter the Garden." (Ahmad and Ibn Majah)

Death ends
Last Trumpet Ressurection
"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
(1 Cor 15:51-52)

Last trumpet is the seventh angel sounded. (Rev 11:15)

No Trumpet yet = no end of world, may happen until after the 144,000 are found. (Rev 7:3)

Choose Resurrection
The way Jews do,
unless you're Muslim or Catholic or Prostestant or agnostic, then choose according to your faith.

Apostle Mary 206-664-1945 provides all burials for each faith. First you must reach out and ask Apostle Mary Church, to come to you to pre-plan your after life plans.

Should I listen
to what Mary has to say?
Mary Magdalene, is mentioned more than any woman in the Bible, including Jesus' Virgin Mother. In our Holy Bible, Mary is actually the first Apostle to wittness both Jesus crucifiction and resurrection. These are the two Catholic requirements to be an Apostle.

Natural man - Natural death
1 million suicides each year are unnatural death. If the Bible is true, suicide breaks the sixth commandment "Thou shalt not kill." Because suicide is killing. Yes/No?

Bible is true 1-2-3
Beyond any reasonable doubt.
1) Black Obelisk PHOTO with caption, Israel King Ahab proves OT Bible true.
2) Dead Sea Scrolls, prove Bible existed before Jesus.
3) 50 years after Jesus, 70 AD, Jewish Josephus, historian, lived during Jesus time, he did not beleive in Christ nor John the Baptist, however he wrote verifying Jesus and John Baptist really existed.

1-2-3-4 Ancient Bible Places to visit!
1) Oldest Monastery Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria (Egypt), (not Catholic) founded by Apostle John, believed established middle first century AD, first Christian place of worship outside the Holy Land. Today Egypt's Pope is, "Coptic Pope Tawadros II".
2) Vatican St. Peter's in Rome, Old Saint Peter's Basilica, first basilica, built from 326 to 333 A.D. at the order of Roman Emperor Constantine and finished about 30 years later. 1600 Pope collecting cash to forgive sins (indulgences) rebuilt the Vatican as we marvel it today.
3) St. Catherine's Monastery, Greek Orthodox Church occupies site of earlier Church founded by the Empress Helena (Constantine's Mother).
4) OLDEST NT BIBLE Codex Sinaiticus discovered at St. Cathrines Monastery, Egypt. Includes complete NT Bible, and Epistle Gospel Barnabas, written between AD 70-132, preserved complete to see now!

Saint Catherine
Monastery Library:
World's Great Religious Manuscript Collection. Library is one of the largest collections in existence, there are more than 2000 valuable old manuscripts. But unfortunately, is not open to the public.

Saint Catherine's Monastery, on the Sinai Peninsula, at the foot of Mount Sinai, near the town of Saint Catherine, Egypt. The monastery is named after Catherine of Alexandria.

Great Martyr Saint Catherine,
is revered by Jews, and Muslims. "Church of the Transfiguration" (Exodus 34:29-35).
And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand.

Kindest act is sharing a meal.
Jesus asked "have you anything here to eat?" They ate broiled Lake Galilee Trout coated with honey.

Elderly Suicide
Highest suicide rates of any age group occur among persons 65 and older. One contributing factor is depression in the elderly that is undiagnosed and untreated.

Elderly Warning signs
" Recent death of a loved one, isolation and loneliness.
" Physical illness, disability, or pain.
" Major life changes, such as retirement or loss of independence.
" Loss of sense of purpose.

TEEN Suicide
Suicide in teen years can be emotionally turbulent and stressful. Teenagers face pressures to succeed and fit in. They struggle with self-esteem issues, self-doubt, and feelings of alienation, this leads to suicide. Depression.

TEEN risk factors:
" Childhood abuse
" Recent traumatic event
" Lack of a support network
" Availability of a gun
" Hostile social or school environment
" Exposure to other teen suicides

TEEN Warning signs
1. Rejecting praise or rewards.
Change in eating and sleeping habits.
2. Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities.
3. Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities.
4. Violent or rebellious behavior, running away.
5. Unusual neglect of personal appearance.
6. Persistent boredom, difficulty. concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork.
7. Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc.
8. Drug and alcohol use.

Methods of Suicide
-90% U.S. suicide deaths are Gun, Hanging, Poisening.
-57% Guns deaths are suicide not homicide (2009, 19,000 vs. 11,500).
-90% suicide firearm attempts are lethal.
-57% suicide deaths are men,
-33% is women.
-4.5%. Countries with no 2nd Amendment have lower gun ownership, suicide with firearms is lower.
-25.6% Hanging and suffocation
-16.3% poisoning using prescription drugs, street drugs, poisons, and carbon monoxide.
-36.5% women suicides choose poisening.
-10% are falls/jumping, motor vehicles, and cutting/stabbing.

Hong Kong, China, Asian countries, high-rise apartment jumping is common. Also charcoal fire carbon monoxide poisoning.

Offer help and support
Best way to help is offering an empathetic, listening ear. Don't take responsibility, you can only offer support, you can't fix the suicidal, and you can't make a suicidal person get better. He or she has to make a personal commitment to recovery.

" Suicide is intentionally acting to end one's life.
" Suicide attempts may be planned out or impulsive.
" Suicide never considers the after life plan, how where buried, a legal last will and testament.
" Murder-suicide involves a person killing someone else, then himself or herself. This is a very dramatic, but fortunately rare, event.
" Suicide by cop involves a person trying to provoke police officers to kill him or herself.
" Self-mutilation is deliberate self-harm without an intent to end one's life. Self-mutilation is associated with an increased risk of suicide.
" Most individuals who commit suicide have a mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.
" Decreased serotonin activity in the brain is associated with suicide risk.
" People who feel hopeless, or isolated are more likely to consider or attempt suicide.
" People who have serious losses -- deaths of close people, loss of job, a move -- are more at risk for suicide.
" Every 40 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone ends his or her life.
" In the U.S., about 100 people die every day of suicide.
" Young people and older adults are more likely to commit suicide.
" Guns are the most common method for completed suicide. Poisoning or overdose and asphyxiation/hanging are the next most common methods.
" People who have experienced bullying, physical abuse, or sexual trauma are more at risk for considering, attempting, or completing suicide.
" Treatment of mental-health conditions can reduce the risk of suicide and improve quality of life.
Share Veteran's
John Baptist is back.com!
Read this entire column,
Holy Bible requires reading.
John Baptist's Dove is back today!

Time to expect miracles
if God's Holy Spirit descends in the bodily form as a Dove upon you, (John 1:33) This is God's Sign, God has adopted you into Heaven, the Kingdom of God! (Eph 1:5)

Jesus said: "The Bible shall be preached to the entire world then the BibleEND shall come. (Matt 24:14) 2018, the last people on earth have now been preached the Gospel. READ BELOW!

Take the Jesus Dove Baptism test, to see if God's Holy Spirit descends in the bodily form as a Dove, and remains upon you. If God's Dove remains upon you, this is God's Sign you are adopted into Heaven, the Kingdom of God! AMEN!

Jesus said, "there is no one born of a woman, greater than John Baptist." google it! Now it's time to expect miracles if God's Holy Spirit descends in the bodily form as a Dove and remains upon your Holy water, God's sign, God has adopted you online into Heaven, the Kingdom of God! (Luke 3:22)

John Baptist, Baptized all Judea (400,000 people plus Jesus), (Matt 3:5) with GodsDoves, the Holy Spirit descended in the bodily form as a Dove and remained upon them. (Luke 3:32)

DONATETithe.com 100% goes to God!
not muzzle the messenger, google it!
Call your Banker to download Zelle
.com to tithe.

You may also
DONATETithe.com tangible property, real estate, real property, houses, cars, boats, jewelry, precious metals, art, estates, etc, we pay all closing costs. Please telephone ApostleMary.com 206-664-1945 for more information.

No reason to fear Armageddon. (Rev 9:4) "Harm only those who do not have GodsHolySeal.com upon their foreheads..."

PROOF things are heating up!
Jesus said: "The Bible shall be preached to the entire world then the BibleEND shall come. (Matt 24:14) 2018, the last people on earth have now been preached the Gospel. READ BELOW!

Who you gonna call?
SHARE Veteran's SuicideBusters
Pastor John 206-664-1945 text me!
I can't stop suicide, if you don't know me to call me.

Psychologist proved it!
google it! "Dr. Motto method," psychologists statistics prove
writing prevents suicides.

Women who attend any religious faith once a week, are five times less likely to choose suicide between 1996 and 2010, says a study published by JAMA Psychiatry.

"Rabbi Report," proves writing Last Will & Testament stopped Jewish suicide.

Fullfilling your spiritual void, stops suicide.
.com fullfills Spiritual closure.

Everyday a Veteran chooses SUICIDE.
I could have stopped it! But no one knew me to call me. SEE PRESS RELEASE
SHARE SuicideBusters 3 times!
In 14 days everyone will know me to call me.

Write me an old fashion letter, put a stamp on it, give it to your postman. Ask how you can help stop Veteran's Suicides everyday.

ATT: Pastor John
Apostle Mary Church
2111 N. Belt St.,
Spokane, WA 99205
United States

If you don't write, one Veteran will choose suicide everyday until you do! What is a human life worth?
Share SuicideBusters 3 friends, in 14 days everyone will know me to call me!
SAVED 21 VETS Click it again!
If Jesus said “If you want to be perfect, sell your possessions and give to the poor, you will have treasure in Heaven. Then follow me.” (Matt 19:21) What are you waiting for?
GodsDoves.com nonprofit
Corporate, Spokane, WA 98205
White Doves Release for Weddings,
Anniversaries, 2nd Baptism, Memorials, Funerals, Special Occasions 206-664-1945
Benefit Veteran's
charity SuicideBusters.com
Trust only GodsDoves to
fly safe, others may not.
SuicideBusters.com DONATE 206-664-1945
Support our
Veteran's suicide
prevention fund raiser
iEstating (America's Estate Sales) is the first and only 501(c)(3) nonprofit Apostle Mary Charity, benefit promoting Veteran's suicide prevention SuicideBusters.

Your donation is tax deductible.

iEstating Estate Sales is a mobile liquidation service, available anywhere in the US. We travel to you, and liquidate everything finish clean in one week, getting you the highest paid price for your items. An average Estate Sale grosses $10,000 to $60,000 cash. You earn 50% and donate 50% for Veteran's SuicideBusters suicide prevention.

Our secret getting the highest paid price, is local advertising in your area, combined with our online following, we bring your Estate Sale 1000 buyers who want to support SuicideBusters Veteran's suicide prevention. .
Instead of bringing balloons, we bring our "Mobile WhiteDovesRelease
.com," God's Doves descend from Heaven all weekend at your iEstating Estate Sale liquidation. We PRESS RELEASE TV stations, and radio stations serving your area. Because we're a 501(C)(3) nonprofit, we normally get free airtime. Folks in your area will know to come from miles away to see the WhiteDovesRelease.com show and your Estate Sale benefiting Veteran's SuicideBusters suicide prevention.

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White Doves Release.com
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Veteran's Suicide behavioral!
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