Heavenly Life Insurance
Treasure Policy
"Sell some of your stuff now,
give to the poor,
you will have treasure
in Heaven waiting for you."
3-Wittness PROVE IT
Matt 6:19, Mark 10:21, Luke 18:22

Estate planning is not just for “the wealthy,” either, although people who have built some wealth do often think more about how to preserve it. Good estate planning often means more to families with modest assets, because they can't afford to lose the least.

An estate plan begins with a "WILL" or "LIVING TRUST".

, provides your instructions, after your death. It does not always avoid probate, because anyone who contests your Last Will & Testament and bring a lawsuit.

A LIVING TRUST reflects your love and values to your family and future generations, and avoids probate at death, because you are still alive to act as your own executor.

Unlike a will, a trust doesn’t have to die with you. Assets can stay in your trust, managed by the trustee you selected, until your beneficiaries reach the age you want them to inherit. Your trust can continue longer to provide for a loved one with special needs, or to protect the assets from beneficiaries’ creditors, spouses, and irresponsible spending.

The only time to plan your estate, if you havn't already is now.
None of us really likes to think about our mortality or the possibility of being unable to make decisions for ourselves. This is exactly why so many families are caught off-guard and unprepared when incapacity or death does strike. Don’t wait. You can put something in place now and change it later, which is exactly the way estate planning should be done.

Don't be overwhelmed with all of the issues that come with dispersing an estate. Leave it to the pros for a smooth estate departure.

We handle everything from beginning to end, staying in contact communicating every step of the way, you never wonder what's going on. We take the time to fully understand your needs. We work at your pace, not ours, we work to put your mind at ease. We understand the emotional aspect dealing with loss.

How much advance set-up notice do you need?
Call now so we may begin planning all your set-up details. The amount of set-up notice varies on organization planning requirements.

Call Now!
For free consultation!
FAST-CASH-SERVICE since 1999 telephone 206-664-1945
What is Estate Planning?
You make the decisions when you're alive, not others after you're deceased.

You have an estate, everyone has an estate. You can’t take anything with you after you're deceased. This is nothing new, death has been happening at least since Adam and Eve, one really cannot put a date when passing away first began.

Everything you own, car, home, real estate, checking/savings, investments, life insurance, furniture, personal possessions. No matter how large or how modest your erstate is, it all stays here on earth, you have no pockets.

When eminent death happens, it's a “when” and not an “if”. You want this to happen with the least amount, stress, problems, legal fees, and court costs.

People don’t plan their death.
Individuals put off estate planning because they think they don’t own enough, they’re not old enough, too busy, think they have plenty of time, they’re confused and don’t know who can help them, or they just don’t want to think about death. Then, when something happens to them, their families have to pick up the pieces.

If you don’t have a plan, your estate will, but you won’t like it..

Estate planning is for everyone.
It is not just for “retired” people, although people do tend to think about it more as they get older. Unfortunately, we can’t successfully predict how long we will live, and illness and accidents happen to people of all ages.

At your death: If you die without an estate plan, your assets will be distributed according to the probate laws in your state court, i.e. you die in a car accident, the court will appoint a guardian at litum without knowing whom you would have chosen.

Advance estate planning.
Your plan should be updated as your family and financial situations (and laws) change over your lifetime.
* Naming whom you want to be executor of your stuff.
* Include instructions for your care if you become disabled before you die.
* Name a guardian and an inheritance manager for minor children.
* Provide for family members with special needs without disrupting government benefits.
* Include life insurance to provide for your family at your death.
* Disability income insurance to replace your income if you cannot work due to illness or injury.
* Long-term care insurance to help pay your care in case extended illness or injury.
* Provide for the transfer of your business at your retirement, disability, or death.
* Minimize taxes, court costs, and unnecessary legal fees.

Planning your estate in advance only helps your loved ones to organize your records and correct titles and beneficiary designations, i.e.will your family know where to find your financial records, titles, and insurance policies if something happened to you? Planning your estate now will help you organize your records, locate titles and beneficiary designations, and find and correct errors.

The best benefit is peace of mind.
Knowing you have a properly prepared your plan in place. This is one of the most thoughtful and considerate things you can do for yourself and for those you love.
Tomb Photo
Death is Guaranteed!
What's your plan?
66% over 75 didn't plan, they died
WA State 150 pass each day
73% under 65 don't plan
55% don't plan a Will
4% commit suicide
Estate Planning
Why Choose iEstating?
Can't take it with you don't have pockets.
Recent research discovered those who plan their estate now, and not in their afterlife, never chose suicide.
A picture says a 1000 words
Your picture memorial is for everyone
to enjoy for all eternity. Your pet can be memorialized with you for all eternity too.
Power Prayer 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity
Fundraiser SAVED 21 Veteran's
Share SuicideBusters with 3 friends, in 14 days everyone will know me to call me!

Psychologist's PROVED IT! SuicideBusters STOP SUICIDE.
Statistics prove a Spiritual afterlife plan stops suicide behavioral, google it!

Psychologist Dr. Motto, proved writing prevents suicide. A "Rabbi Report," proved Mikva (Baptism) & writing a Last Will Testament, stopped everyone in that synagogue from choosing suicide behavioral, and Veteran's too!

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